Author: Vesselin M. Petkov; Luchezar N. Stoyanov

Geometry of Reflecting Rays and Inverse Spectral Problems (Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Wiley Series of Texts, Monographs and Tracts)

Image provided by third party, not actual book.


Author:Vesselin M. Petkov; Luchezar N. Stoyanov
Publisher:John Wiley & Sons
Place of publication:Chichester
Year of Publication:1992
Book condition:Good
Jacket Condition:Good
Binding Type:Cloth
Book Size:8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall
Book Catalogs:N/A
Book Keywords:N/A
Book Note:Type: Book N.B. Small label to ffep. Stain to head of spine and D/J and top edge of pages, content unaffacted.